Collection Two — Find a Pattern

“Transitioning from working to socializing to eating within minutes...

All in one space

“I was driving through my neighbourhood, slowly...

Glorious Beast

"I noticed whilst in the front garden today...

Pentagonal Arrangement

“Some days the side of this building jumps out at me...


“Once you start looking patterns are everywhere...

Alien Intestine

“Week 6 of COVID-19 lockdown...


“Days worth of Zoom meetings doodles...

Zoom Doodles

“The car parking area at the back of our block...

Tree Window

“My new work pattern at home involves...


“This is a wall that I hand painted in my room...

Dalmatian Spots

“White low-cost shades exaggerate emptiness...


"Lovely patterns of red on the hills...

Red on the hill

"Lots of to do lists! Mostly not complete...

To do lists

"Every day is a series of ups and downs...


"I see a pattern where we now have a whole new playing field...


"It was exciting to find the Fibonacci spiral...

Fibonacci Spiral

"Found this pattern while going for a walk...

Pattern in the sand

"First outing after lockdown and the city has..."

Out after lockdown

“So these are paw prints...

Cat Prints

"I noticed how lovely the patterns of shadows are when..."

Shadow Patterns

Collection Two — Find a Pattern

This collection invited contributors to find a pattern in their daily life, whether that be a visual pattern they saw, a pattern of activities or actions, or some other kind of pattern they noticed.

Find a Pattern is part of the Noticing Series.

Contributors responded to the prompt "Find a pattern and tell us about it."

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