What does it feel like to be listened to, empowered, safe, comfortable and where we have a choice over how our contributions to research are shared?

"We build up walls to protect ourselves. To be vulnerable with others..."

#30 – Walls

"This creative artefact represents a tree with a bird."

#29 – Tree with a bird

"To be seen, the stories they tell can be visible without being..."

#28 – No judgement

"Researcher + researched are intertwined in their vulnerability..."

#27 – Wrapped

"A nest where people feel safe and supported. All balls the..."

#26 – Nest. Equal. Gap.

"A nest-like structure to respect safety and security. The structure..."

#25 Nest

"That the space made translates into outcomes - positive outcomes."

#23 – Space of Listening

"Creating a safe space for psychological and physical safety."

#22 – Safe Space

"Self awareness/insight into own bias, prejudiced perceptions..."

#21 – Self

"Open hands, extended."

#20 – Open Hands

"This artefact represents a ball. I associate this artefact with play."

#12 – Trust Building

"A basket of kai. Kai brings a sense of..."

#9 – Kai

"To feel like you are talking to a friend. Someone who..."

#7 – Friend

"I am "me" (the piece shows my fingerprints from the making)"

#2 – Me. Hold. Thin.

"be connected. trusted. respected."

#1 – Co-host